Therapy for Creatives & HSPs

  • As HSPs, we have the courage to take on difficult unsolved problems because they matter. When the stakes are this high, it’s easy to fall into confining patterns that inhibit us from actualizing creative visions.

    We help clients find clarity in their creative path and overcome old patterns by connecting with their innate playfulness. We can learn to trust the process in the face of inevitable uncertainty and risk.

  • We have more energy than we know what to do with. We cycle through periods of intense exertion and excessive rest. When we’re overwhelmed we tend to atrophy from inactivity or “burn out” from chronic stress.

    I help clients balance ambitious and compassionate energies in their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual being to establish a sustainable lifestyle. Imagine if your day was one continuous flow experience.

  • Creatives get plenty of criticism about their final output. Rather than evaluating your work as a “product,” we step into your workshop.

    Together, we challenge you to design and iterate a creative process from the bottom up. This evolution is an embodied unfolding that we work through moment-by-moment during our sessions. Accessing states of greater wholeness facilitates elevated performance and authentic expression.

  • We know our past experience shapes us today, but our needs are complex and we don’t always know how to respond to the psychological imprints of past traumas. We have intuitive and rational parts; we are both pragmatists and idealists. It is hard to discern which part of us is present, which part to listen to, which part to express, and which part to act out. cleaning up unconscious resistance that inhibits creative actualization.

    I hold a safe space for clients to embody and reclaim traumatized parts. Through this embodied experience, we can welcome an awakened wholeness that permeates our creative lives, providing a renewed sense of self and purpose.

  • We are able to sensitively attune to others and their creative gifts but often find ourselves disconnected in non-nourishing, non-reciprocating relationships.

    I support clients build supportive community and curate dynamic, intimate, and effective creative teams.

  • As creatives, we are often caught in fragmentation—dissociated from our bodies and our aliveness.

    Living consciously within our whole body, substantive and secure, deepens our ability to create lovingly and joyously.

What are the Common Symptoms of Anxiety?

Do you experience anxiousness or palpitations for seemingly no reason? Maybe your mind is struggling to cope with negative thoughts triggering unease. If the feeling persists, it is essential to seek professional help, as this could be a sign of anxiety. Gaining clarity about the root causes and understanding negative thought patterns is the cornerstone of fast healing.

Below are some research-based common symptoms of anxiety to help you assess your need for professional help:

  • Physical Unease - Uncomfortable physical symptoms like shortness of breath, racing heart, or muscle tension can be a sign of anxiety, triggering a feeling of being constantly on edge.

  • Avoidance Behaviors - A tendency to escape the places, conversations, or situations that trigger anxiety, is common for people suffering from anxiety and depression.

  • Constant Worry and Racing Mind - Do you find yourself constantly struggling to navigate negative thoughts and a racing heart? Excessive worry about minor things is a common symptom of anxiety.

  • Restlessness - If you get easily irritated or frustrated by everyday situations, it might be a symptom of anxiety.

  • Sleep Disturbances - Anxiety and negative thoughts have a profound negative impact on sleep, making it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep.

Getting Professional Counseling Sessions from Boulder Colorado Therapy

At Boulder Therapy Colorado, our team of professionals strives to empower our clients to recognize their inner potential to resolve mental health disparities. We primarily focus on a collaborative approach where your feedback and opinions are of utmost concern. Gain a clear insight into the root cause of your anxious feelings while developing powerful coping mechanisms under the supervision of our professionals.

Explore the combination of excellence and expertise in the counseling service provided by Boulder Colorado Therapy, resonating with your unique requirements:

  • Coping Mechanism - Our collaborative counseling sessions and open communication provide you with practical strategies and tools to navigate the intricacies of anxiety in life. Get equipped with feasible cognitive reframing skills, relaxation techniques, and healthy coping mechanisms through our comprehensive counseling sessions.

  • Boost Confidence - Anxiety and negative thoughts encourage a self-blaming attitude, draining out your self-esteem. Sharing your thoughts freely with your counselor will help you develop a sense of empowerment and build resilience. You will regain your confidence to face the twists and turns of life, acquiring lasting peace of mind.

  • Identify the Roots - An experienced therapist can help you address underlying triggers that fuel your negative thoughts and anxious feelings. Counseling for anxiety, provided by Boulder Colorado Therapy allows you to get a grip on your mental health, paving the path for lasting change.

  • Emancipation from Isolation - Frequent negative thoughts and anxiety can make you feel isolated. Our counseling services offer you the opportunity to share your experiences, fostering a sense of social connectivity with friends and family members.

  • Enhance Overall Well-being - Explore the holistic approach of our counseling sessions, crafted to help you improve sleep, better focus, and a more positive outlook. We focus on empowering you to learn how to manage your anxiety, thus accelerating your healing journey.

What Will be the Counseling Strategy at Boulder Colorado Therapy?

You do not have to struggle with anxiety alone, we the Boulder Colorado Therapy get you covered with all your unique requirements. Putting ourselves into your shoes, we strive to understand your situation and needs, based on which our counseling sessions are designed. We will help you strengthen your coping mechanism with our comprehensive and strategic counseling therapy.

Our service includes the following constructive stages:

  1. Assessment and Setting Targets - This is our foremost step to get a clear insight into your unique experiences with anxiety. The therapist will work with you to get details about your symptoms, triggers, and desired goals for therapy.

    Personalization - Unlike any one-size-fits-all approach, we will design our counseling sessions based on your targets and issues, ensuring effective customization that resonates with your unique needs. By highlighting open communication, feedback, and collaboration, we will adjust our therapy strategies to meet your requirements.

    Collaboration - Anxiety counseling is a collaborative journey. You play the role of an active participant in the whole process. You will be provided with the opportunity to share your thoughts and negative feelings, with the assurance of strict confidentiality.

    Evaluation and Closure - Through the session, your therapist will regularly evaluate your progress based on your feedback and suggestions, facilitating the path toward your goal. As you gain control over your anxiety and negative thoughts, eventual closure will be performed through a collaborative approach.

Is there any Quick Solution to Anxiety?

Anxiety is a complicated issue to be solved within a day. Psychological counseling offers a customized and comprehensive approach, including the steps of acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses to help you manage the adversities without any professional help. Quick fixes like supplements promising instant calm might offer immediate relief, but these are not permanent solutions.

What is the Duration of the Therapy? What if it Does not Work?

Similar to the diversity of experiences, the healing journey is unique to each person, influencing the duration of the therapy. The crucial factors affecting the duration include the severity of your anxiety, your commitment to practicing learned techniques, and the frequency of sessions. Depending upon your unique requirements, you might see progress within a few weeks or need longer-term support. Our counseling approach will be adjusted based on your feedback on anxiety management.

Who Will Assist Me in Navigating Anxiety Challenges?

Our team of compassionate and experienced counselors specializes in dealing with multitudinous mental health difficulties, helping individuals overcome anxiety disorders. The therapists will guide you in identifying the root of anxiety, empower you with the skills of problem-solving, and develop effective coping mechanisms. We focus on evidence-based strategies, tailored to your unique needs, to help you reclaim the control of your life.

What are the Other Therapies You Provide to Deal with Anxiety?

At Boulder Therapy Colorado, we offer a holistic approach to treating your anxiety. Apart from counseling sessions or talk therapy, we explore multiple other strategic ways to meet your specific needs. Have a glance at our additional therapeutic tools to assist you in building a strong coping mechanism and lasting peace of mind.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) - EMDR is effective in treating anxiety and depression associated with traumatic events. Through bilateral stimulation (eye movements, tapping), EMDR helps reconstruct negative memories to reduce their negative impact on emotional well-being.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - This approach helps you develop a tendency of self-acceptance and strengthens you to acknowledge challenging emotions and thoughts without judgment. The therapists will assist you in living a meaningful life even in the presence of negative thoughts and anxiety.

  • Relaxation Techniques- Relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and mindfulness meditation are helpful enough to promote a sense of deep relaxation, reducing anxiety symptoms.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - CBT allows you to address negative thought patterns that trigger anxiety. Through this comprehensive approach, you will be able to reframe your negative thoughts and manage anxious thinking.